Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why I am so passionate about casting my vote!?

Why I am so passionate about casting my vote!? Why I am willing, and I have been waiting since last year, to fly back from Switzerland to Malaysia to cast my single vote?

Last Chinese New Year (CNY) my family members asked me to come back to celebrate CNY. I answered: I only come back when election is called. My eldest sister could not understand why election can be even more important than CNY for me! 

This CNY, my family members tempted me to come back for CNY. I said: Yes, yes, I will come back, when election is called!

It is always my thinking: My one vote may not be able to do much, but if there are more Malaysians think like me and be willing to put into actions, the number will be not only be 1, but 1+1, 1+10, 1+100, 1+1000, 1+10000....There have been so many ghost voters with dead people being able to come out to vote, with illegal immigrants being granted blue ICs, with likely overseas postal voters turned into “imported ghosts”, we need more real CLEAN Malaysia to show our colour to fight against those ghosts.

Recently, even “overseas postal voters” has been made available to overseas Malaysians, I still insist to fly back to Malaysia to vote. I personally am suspicious with the out-of-a-sudden “kind” offer from the authority, and I want to reduce the risk of my vote being modified.

I see the upcoming GE13 is crucial in pushing our country to move towards a bi-party system instead of having been letting the present ruling coalition that has ruled 55 years to do further damage to the political, economic, educational, legal systems. Every single vote is significant in the coming crossroad of Malaysia. For me, I do not care which party or who and who benefit from the present democratic move. What is more important: A clean and transparent system, that allows Malaysia and fellows Malaysians to have a fair and healthy environment to grow up, work and live; and Malaysia to move forward and to be internationally competitive.

I have worked, lived or visited some so-called “first-world” countries such as Singapore, Japan, England, Switzerland and the United States. While some people envy and are inspired to migrate into those countries, I have experienced that every country would have her own problems and nowhere is perfect. While I presently live in Switzerland with my German husband, I see Malaysia can be one of the best places to live. Malaysia is  rich with natural resources (unfortunately, these natural resources have been wasted with being hijacked into individuals´ personal pockets). Malaysians are warm, talented and multi-lingual. In Switzerland, when some Caucasians find it astonishing that I speak not only English, but my mother tongue is Chinese, I answer them proudly: “Malaysia is like Switzerland. In general, Malaysians speak at least four languages.”

Because I am proud as a Malaysian and I am proud of my fellow Malaysians (at home/abroad), I want to make my very best efforts to make my home country Malaysia one of the proudest countries to live as well. There is nothing less of Malaysia. Malaysia just needs lesser politicians who keep on playing racial cards with dividing Malaysians for their personal interests.

...No matter which corners of the world we are in, Malaysia is forever our motherland, where our roots originally from. It is an undeniable fact that "Malaysian blood" is circulated in our body even we have been exposed to cultures of other countries.

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